Megillat Eicha begins in verse 11: “All her people are sighing...” as the prophet laments the dreadful starvation that gripped the nation. Utterly consumed with hunger they exchanged handfuls of gold for tiny morsels of bread. Blinded by their insatiable quest for physical subsistence they lost sight of life’s meaning and purpose altogether. In studying this verse, you’ll also discover the non-literal modern alter-ego of this condition, and how this mournful prophesy actually provides insight, encouragement and inspiration to help us refocus our lives today.
This text-based class on Megillat Eicha provides a general overview and analyzes the first two verses.
In this class we listen to Jerusalem pour her heart out to proverbial passersby in emotional distress, bitterly lamenting her misfortune and destruction. The...
This class focuses on the verse (Eicha, 1:13) “From on High He sent a Fire...” Our sages understood this to mean literally: G-d Himself...